1. Where can I buy Suntory PepsiCo’s beverage products?
You can find our products such as Pepsi, Mirinda, 7Up Gatorade sports drink, Lipton Ice Tea, TEA+ Oolong Tea, BOSS Coffee, Rockstar energy drink, and Aquafina drinking water in retail stores, convenience stores and supermarkets. Moreover, you can purchase our products at 0-2610-2555 every day from 8.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. including online channels of PepsiCo Official Shop, namely Shopee and Lazada.
2. Do Pepsi and Pepsi No Sugar contain caffeine?
Pepsi and Pepsi No Sugar contain caffeine less than 15 mg per 100 ml which is natural caffeine from beverage ingredients as permitted by
the Thai Food and Drug Administration. For example, Pepsi 300 ml contains caffeine less than 45 mg. However, pregnant women or those
sensitive to caffeine should follow the recommendation from doctor or health professional.
3. Are our products Vegetarians/Vegans friendly?
Yes, our products are suitable for Vegetarian/Vegan diets, except Ready-to-drink coffee, BOSS Latte which contains milk.
4. How can I check the product expiry date?
You can check the products’ Best Before Date, by looking at the 6-digit number (DD/MM/YY) displayed after the “BF”.
The Best Before Date is marked under the bottom of can packaging as well as on the bottle necks or caps for PET bottle packaging.
5. Are the packaging of Suntory PepsiCo Beverage (Thailand)’s products recyclable?
All of our packaging including bottles, caps, and labels are 100% recyclable.
- The bottles are made from clear, colorless PET plastic that can be recycled and 100% renewable.
- The caps are made from HDPE plastic, logo printing on caps reduced, and 100% recyclable.
- The labels are made from PET and PP plastic, the use of plastic per piece reduced, and 100% recyclable.